Snowy Egret

We have an abundance of cool wildlife around Mahdee. Seeing all of it is one of the great joys of living aboard our schooner at Westpoint Harbor. One fellow, in particular, has my greatest respect and admirations — the Snowy Egret. While serving in the US Navy I had many opportunities to wear an outfit that was completely white — from hat to shoes and everywhere in between. This was especially true when I was stationed in Washington DC because the all-white uniform was mandatory for one half of the year. Despite all of my experience with white, I could never keep my uniform white for more than about 10 minutes. I could take a shower, get into the uniform in a professionally cleaned house and have black and grey spots showing before getting out the front door.

Back to the Snowy Egret, I watch him hunting for food while walking over muddy embankments strewn with rocks and vegetation which is also covered in mud. I have never seen the Snowy Egret be anything but brilliant white. Truly amazing! He darts after food in the water and between rocks and never has a single spot of mud or grime. The plumage on this bird is simply fabulous — better than any Navy uniform by far. Once upon a time, before becoming a protected species, their feathers were twice as valuable as gold. For me, I know that the best way to keep those feathers looking great is to leave them with the Snowy Egret where, every time I see them, it makes my day.

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