Sometimes you run across the most amazing things on a lake in the middle of nowhere. Whenever aviation and canoes come together, David is a happy man.
Category Archives: misc
Holiday Thoughts
Is Santa visiting the cruising boats at anchor? Photo Credit: the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron
Mike Whitehead’s Holiday Harbor Poem
Source LINK
‘Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the Harbor,
You could see a few boats sailing on the water.
And sea lions were hauled out on Harbor’s entrance buoy,
With the bell clanging with each passing swell.
The fish were happy as no hooks were around,
And the sea birds were eating, being fed by a shore crowd.
When all of sudden there arose such a clatter,
The Mermaids swam up to see what was the matter.
The sea lions dove into the water and the boats sailed away from all the splatter.
When shore crowd looked out to see such a sight,
But the birds just continued eating their supper.
All of a sudden but what should appear,
The King of the Sea bringing his own Christmas cheer.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
As King Neptune held up his scepter for all to see.
And out of the scepter came a lightning bolt so grand,
It made a loud bang when it hit the land.
And to everyone’s amazement as you looked around,
Disappearing were all the storm drains that drained into his sea from the land.
His gift for Christmas was no more pollution into the water.
But I heard him exclaim, when he swam out of sight,
What starts at the drain, feeds the harbor when it rains.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a safe voyage.
Mike Whitehead Source LINK
Alina’s MCE Interview
I’ve written a couple things here on the blog about my sister-in-law, Alina. I wrote about her in this post, as well as here. We’re happy to see that she’s growing a fan base in Nashville where she’s presently writing and performing her music.
A recent interview with Music City Encore here:
And, a great video here:
Alina says the following about the above video “We shot this one in Big Sur, CA. Although these waves look warm and inviting, and the wind seems to add the drama, let me tell you – combined, they turned me into an ICICLE on this shoot! Also, these waves were SO incredibly loud, I couldn’t at all hear the playback from the boombox my assistant Diana held on the shore. She ended up directing my performance with a stick, like conductor with a baton.”