What’s the Message?


So what’s the message in this photo?  The three slips to the east of this one have a single ribbon of yellow tape across the slip entrance.  This one has 9 ribbons criss crossing the slip saying:  KEEP OUT

The boat residing in this slip left the harbor yesterday morning.  David and I do wonder what is so special about this particular slip and/or it’s tenant to warrant such a waste of tape.


Vimeo Video about Simply Living Aboard

Simple. Living. Aboard a Boat from Schooner People on Vimeo.

Being close to nature, living a simple life, enjoying a close-knit community, having the opportunity to travel worldwide with your boat–these are among the reasons to enjoy living aboard a boat. Having an “anywhere” location-independent lifestyle, we really enjoy living aboard.

Recently, we have heard a disturbing number of untrue, negative statements–stereotypes–of liveaboards. What is most disturbing is that we’re observing bias in the attitudes of local public policy makers and enforcement agencies. Americans who are choosing to live a simple life aboard are marginalized by the towns and cities they take harbor in.

We decided to put together a little video with a few of our fellow “live aboard” boaters who identify themselves as: cruisers, voyagers, liveaboards and simple living advocates. We think you’ll agree with us–we are ordinary people, just like you, and if you care about the earth, the environment, and having a real community, then, living aboard–and voyaging aboard–a boat is a wonderful thing to do!

The video may be seen on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/52324027

Or on YouTube the video is here: http://youtu.be/h5DwDL8zgSI

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