I found the fo’c’sle sole!

cleaning supplies

Spring cleaning underway here on Mahdee. They say (I always wonder who “they” are…in this case it is the “experts” regarding good boatkeeping–that’s boat housekeeping, Dixie!)…They say that if you don’t remove everything from every locker and cabinet every 3 months or so and wipe down the inside surfaces with a bleach water or vinegar solution (depends on which “They” whether the advice is one or the other) that you’ll have moldy mustiness going on. Well, since our 4/2009 launch, I’ve been very good at keeping up with what “They” say and wiping down the interior every couple months…until last fall. I got lazy. Period. Then it was cold and yucky in all the far reaches of the boat and the last thing I felt like doing was rearranging all our stuff. So, here we are 6 months later and well, I can tell you, “they” were right. I’m finding little places here and there with musty mold evident. Yuck.

Since we came North last fall, the foc’sle aka forecastle aka scuttle has been buried with “stuff.” Lines, sails, pool noodles, extra wood, saw horses, fenders, spare bilge pumps…STUFF. Today, I finally re-arranged to the point that I can see some walls and the sole. How nice. I still need to haul all that stuff out on deck and clean out the place properly while empty–but it’s much nicer now. My new “organization” gave me room to even move a few MORE things into the foc’sle.

Boring Things


Well, I’ve been quite the poor correspondent about what we’re doing. And…that’s because we’ve been pretty doggone boring with no fun sailing trips to gush on about–and not even any scary wind storms at anchor either!. Pics of the cat are about as good as it gets these days.

Upcoming–It’s been two years since our last haul out and we’ll be doing another in late May/early June. It will be along the lines of haul and look at prop, thru-hulls, all that stuff and touch up the bottom paint if it needs it. The paint is CopperCoat, a 10 year life paint so only if we have movement between keel and deadwood or something like that should we need to add bottom paint. When we hauled out two years ago, we raised the waterline and added a boot strip so we had to do a bit then. I suppose we’ll touch up the black boot stripe this haul out. I’m compiling a list of things to install during the haul out and things to inspect–like the FLS sensor which hasn’t been working since install…da… and getting a new spinny thing for our Airmar DST (Depth, Speed, and Temperature) as we’ve had D no problem and T no problem but S, well, the Speed paddle died about a month after we launched the boat and, well, we keep just looking at our GPS Speed instead or using the little speed thingy which you hang off the taft rail and drag behind you. I love that thing! It is a little calibrated spring (which tells you how fast you’re going) with a line/string and a disk that you drag in the water. I love it because when you adjust the sails, you can immediately see the improvement (or no improvement) in your speed through the water. It’s great. The main reason we wish to get S working on the DST, though, is because when used in conjunction with our speed over ground per the GPS we can learn something about the currents we’re in. If S on the DST = S on the GPS then, no currents. But if S on the DST is higher than S on the GPS we know that we’ve got some currents working against us. Similarly if S on the DST is slower than what the GPS says we’re doing, we know that the current is working WITH us. See?

Well that’s about it.

David and His Buddy

These days David spends a lot of time at the computer.  Beryl has become his buddy–sitting by his side and watching whatever David is doing.  One day, I really got a kick out of David’s hand twitching on the mouse whilst Beryl’s tail seemed to be twitching in time with David’s hand.  And, yes, this is really the music they were listening to at the time–no editing of the sound by me!

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