photo ops

Here are some pics of what we’re doing now. Click on the image for a larger view of the same picture.

Every time David sits down in the boat, Beamer jumps in his lap for some petting:

Beamer and David

Mahdee’s temporary slip is between two large sport fishing boats. One moved, so we took a quick picture of her:

In the water

David used a long series of extensions to drill out the wire chase in the top of the mast. It had been closed up around a single wire at some point in the boat’s past:

drill wire chase

Here’s the final hole he drilled. The small rope will be used to pull wires.

ready to pull wires

Here’s the bronze masthead fitting that goes onto the top of the mast that the hole was drilled in. We will be replacing the single light on the top with a tricolor light and a bracket to hold an Airmar weather station.

masthead fitting

Spar work continues

Each day, we’ve been doing all the little things needed for the masts to be installed. David’s been making repairs here-and-there on the main mast. I had already reglued the birds mouth scarf at the top of the mast and the repairs he’s doing now are a couple small scarfs. After those are done, I can put the final couple coats of paint on the masts and we can put all the hardware back on.

Last Friday, I dropped off one of our mast bands to the foundry so they can make another. It had too much wear for us to be happy about simply putting it back up. Especially since its the band that the staysail is stayed to and that the lower triatic is stayed to.

Monday, I put in the order for a bunch of Hi-MOD compression fittings that will be used for the upper terminations of the shrouds and stays. Today, I put in the order for the cast thimbles that will be used for the lower (spliced) terminations. Next Monday, I’ll put in my order for the rigging wire. At this count, we need more than 1000 ft. Mostly it is 3/8″ 1×19 but there are a few bits (running backstays, for example) which can be done with 5/16″ 7×19 and then a few more bits that require 1/2″ 7×19.

I’m behind on my leathering of the mast hoops–so I’m hoping that I’ll be doing that in the evenings this week and next. While I can do it with them on the foremast, clearly it is easier to do inside, sitting comfortably in a chair with the cat warming my feet.

Well, I’m off to the various projects. More later.

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