Meeting a Member of Mahdee’s 1960’s Family Along With Schooners Galore

Oh my! We just received correspondence from the San Francisco Yacht Club (SFYC) showing us the docking plan for the 17 schooners attending the “Great San Francisco Schooner Event.” The event that in past years has been called the “Great San Francisco Schooner Race” and still includes a race. A race between sweet un-racing, pleasingly plump little Mahdee and all those big racing schooners. Did I mention that she’s one of the smallest of the 17? Did I mention we don’t race? Back to my panic: Gulp, yes, seventeen! schooners. I recognize many names–there’ll only be one boat between Mahdee and the well known Schooner Santana–Humphrey Bogart’s former boat. We’ll have the huge Schooner Ka’Iulani right behind us and the Schooner Elizabeth Muir just across the dock. Oh, my! This is either Schooner Heaven or purgatory for those of us cruisers who don’t have “boat show ready” schooners!

Thank goodness I did quite a lot of varnish work while in the Delta. I wanted Mahdee to look sharp for her reunion with Jim, the son of Mahdee’s 1960’s owner. Now I’m glad she’ll look sharper than usual for her meet-up with all the other schooners. I’m very excited that we’re going to meet Jim and that we’ll get to hear stories of his family’s use of the boat–and see pictures, too! So, between my panic attacks I’m excited about the meet-up with Jim.

I’ll have to come back and write a bit about the wonderful people we met at the Master Mariners event at the China Camp Heritage Festival, but now back to my current panic attack: Must clean the boat! Must clean the boat! Must clean the boat! I’ve told David that today he’s forced to put everything away that is still sitting out and about. Our plans are to leave the canoe atop Buttercup (the car) so the deck will be more clear for sailing. Don’t think we can stash the inflatable Tinker Traveler anywhere but on the foredeck, sigh…

Onwards…cleaning today! Tomorrow will be better, I’m sure.

A Few More Delta Pics

Everyone always like photos so here are a few more:


Motoring along the Georgiana Slough


Sometimes there are trees IN the water, too, so you have to keep a sharp lookout


There are farms along the Sacramento River


We saw many boats anchored in quiet spots and various bends of the sloughs.


Sometimes we saw little shacks along the sloughs and rivers that were clearly someone’s little “getaway” but this one was really amazing–looked like a scene from Gilligan’s Island. That is a shelter/shack on the beach to the left of the power boat.


We took lots of pictures of the opening bridges…that for a later post..but the bridge operators often came out to wave and look at Mahdee as she passed by. This operator is at the Mokelumne River Swing Bridge.

Mokelumne River 1

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