Stuff going on

Well, its busy as usual. I’ll endeavor to take some pics and get them up here in the next few days. The deck beams are done, the foredeck installed, starting on the raised deck.

David is out of town taking care of business for a bit, so John and I are on our own. That means John’s on his own since I don’t “do” structural things on the boat as the guys are so much faster, better than me!

Friday, the fellow who had the Egg Harbor power boat next to us decided to move it. So, that was a little disturbing. The owner of San Diego Boat Movers had to, move our huge piles of planking and decking woods to get that boat out of there. The positive thing is that we’ll be able to work much closer to our own boat. The negative is that moving piles of wood around is a waste of time and potentially damaging to the wood.

We now have sunlight on the east side of Mahdee, though, and this is a good thing. Its been so very cold in the mornings with the Egg Harbor blocking the suns warming rays.

More later,

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